Film: “Harry Smith At The Breslin” Hotel by Exile On Mainstreet Photographer

Mind UTTERLY blown! Famed avant-garde photographer/filmmaker Robert Frank (most of us know him from his association with the Rolling Stones, filming their instantly banned “Cocksucker Blues” tour documentary and contributing the photographs that comprised the cover of the “Exile On… Continue Reading


    “But your holy place shall be untouched throughout the centuries: though with fire and sword it be burnt down & shattered, yet an invisible house there standeth…” Liber AL vel Legis 3:34         INVISIBLE HOUSE… Continue Reading

Harry Smith’s Enochian Watch-Tower / Tartan analogy, inspires Artwork

The KLANS of ENOK by Barry William Hale [Being] A unique set of Tartans created for the Spiritual Inhabitants of the Watchtowers of the Enochian magical system, received during the angelic operations of Elizabethan magician and polymath Dr John Dee and his seer… Continue Reading

THE KEEPER: New Museum Exhibition

  THE KEEPER This Awe inspiring exhibition features Harry Smith’s String figures, Paintings of Hilma Af Klint and some mysterious Theosophically inspired Artworks admits a maelstrom of objects and media and incredible installations – BWH NEW MUSEUM EXHIBITION ‘ “The Keeper” is… Continue Reading

Strange Magic: Why occult-based art is about to cross your radar (if it hasn’t already)

Seems like everyone is trying to work out what the Occult Art Explosion in NY is all about?  Strange Magic: Why occult-based art is about to cross your radar (if it hasn’t already) “This week, NYU’s WSE80 Gallery, next to… Continue Reading

Language of the Birds: Occult and Art. Exhibition & Conference NY

The Occult Humanities Conference 2016: Contemporary Art and Scholarship on the Esoteric Traditions EXHIBITION Language of the Birds: Occult and Art Curated by Pam Grossman 80WSE 80 Washington Square East, New York, NY January 12 – February 13 Opening reception… Continue Reading