Thelemic Inspired Short make Cannes VR Cut

The 7th Night of Thelema I met the irrepresable Italian Director, Writer, Producer Gianluigi Perrone in Beijing some years back who tracked me down and insisted that we meet to talk about Magick!  Gian has two shorts that made the… Continue Reading

As Above, So Below – Opens this Week

As Above, So Below: Portals, Visions, Spirits & Mystics   As Above, So Below Portals, Visions, Spirits & Mystics Major group exhibition and accompanying programme of events exploring spirituality in visual art to open at IMMA 13 April – 27… Continue Reading

Richard Kaczynski on Church of Mabus Radio Friday March 31

Richard Kaczynski, Ph.D. will be featured on this coming Friday, March 31st 8pm EDST, being interviewed by Pritchett and McNicholas. Their site says: “The name “Aleister Crowley” instantly conjures visions of diabolic ceremonies and orgiastic indulgences—and while the sardonic Crowley… Continue Reading