Balthazar Blacke introduces some foundational ideas and techniques using the Divine Gypsy Mother cards.
Originally from South Africa, Balthazar is based in Amsterdam, Netherlands, where he has worked as a professional reader, medium and folk magician for over a decade. His magical work explores the intersection between the traditions of the African Diaspora and Solomonic magic. It is his conviction that divination and magic are not only a valid source of spiritual nourishment for modern people but a crucial antidote for the poisons of our time. When he isn’t reading cards for clients, he teaches ‘Solomonic Hoodoo’ on his YouTube channel (BLTHZR) and writes; and has contributed to publications such as At The Crossroads (Scarlet Imprint 2012) and Conjure Codex (Hadean Press). His work and services can be found at: