The latest issue of Aries, journal for the study of Western Esotericism is now out. It’s a special issue devoted to scholarly works on the Prophet of the Lovely Star.
The issue, titled “Rethinking Aleister Crowley and Thelema,” was edited by Manon Hedenborg White and features five articles by expert scholars exploring under-researched topics within the study of Crowley and the Thelemic tradition, to wit:
Deus est Homo: The Concept of God in the Magical Writings of the Great Beast 666 (Aleister Crowley) by Henrik Bogdan
‘It was your Wickedness my Love to Win’: Towards an Appraisal of Aleister Crowley’s Decadent Period (1895–1898) by Chris Giudice
Proximal Authority: The Changing Role of Leah Hirsig in Aleister Crowley’s Thelema, 1919–1930 by Manon Hedenborg White
The Cardinal Importance of Names: Aleister Crowley and the Creation of a Tarot for the New Aeon by Matthew Fletcher
‘Mercury is in a Very Ape-Like Mood’: Frieda Harris’s Perception of ThelemabyDeja Whitehouse
Check it out: