Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Leadership and organization can be tough. You are not alone- the Kaaba
Colloquium team
has so much to offer you. No matter your experience level or local body,
come, be warmed by the flame of fellowship, knowledge, wit, skill and
fraternal love.
Open to all True Men and Women of the 1° (and dues current. pay your dues.)
Please register today!
Registration <> in Seattle, WA
May 25-26 2019 e.v.
This Kaaba is in conjunction with Horizon Lodge
Register as soon as possible.
Book a room with the hosting hotel
We have a discounted room rate of $109 per night, available until *April 24*
We will begin the weekend with a meet and greet on Friday night, with
presentations all day Saturday and Sunday. We'll also be hanging out
together those evenings.
Join the fun!
Love is the law, love under will.
Sophia Vera
Kaaba Coordinator