Interviews With Franz Bardon’s Son

Wowsers! A set of interviews with Lumir Bardon, son of noted hermetic author Franz! Bardon. He is bet known among occultists for several important works teaching self-initiation and various magical practices. Wikipedia says:

“Bardon is best known for his three volumes on Hermetic magic. These volumes are Initiation Into HermeticsThe Practice of Magical Evocation and The Key to the True Kabbalah.

“An additional fourth work attributed to him by the title of Frabato the Magician, has been supposed by many of his students to be a disguised autobiography. Though the book lists its author as Bardon, it was actually written by his secretary, Otti Votavova. While some elements of the story are based on Bardon’s real life experience, most of the book was written as an occult novel with much embellishment on the part of Votavova.[2]

“Bardon’s works are most notable for their simplicity, their relatively small theoretical sections, and heavy emphasis on practice with many exercises. Students of his, such as Emil Stejnar, Walter Ogris, Martin Faulks, William Mistele and Rawn Clark consider him to have written the best training programs of any magician of the 20th century. They were written with the intention of allowing students who wished to practice magic the means to do so if they could not study under a teacher.”

Have a look:

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