Interview with Esoteric-Forward Art Curator/Dealer Stephen Romano

Faye Dowling, a curator and editor based in London interviewed art curator and dealer Stephen Romano about his interest in occult-themed art for the Dark Arts blog. The interview begins:

“Stephen Romano is a collector, curator and private art dealer in Brooklyn, New York. Collecting since the mid-90’s he has championed esoteric and outsider artists through his Stephen Romano Gallery, and through curatorial collaborations such as The Buckland Museum of Witchcraft and Magick in Cleveland. Faye Dowling talks to Stephen about his current William Mortensen project, and his life spent working with esoteric and outsider art.

“Antenna: Where did your interest in esoteric art begin?

“Stephen Romano: It began when I was very young. I could see things, spirits in the shadows. I would make drawings of them and carry them in my pockets. My aunt, who was a fairly well known abstract artist in Montreal where we lived, saw these drawings one day and flipped out and proclaimed I was a prodigy. She began bringing me art supplies and also expensive art books on Dali, Rembrandt, Durer, and a big heavy book on Hieronymus Bosch, which miraculously I still have today.”

Read the whole interview:

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