Enumeration of Liber AL By English Qaballa Being Published

UK occult publishing house Hadean Press has announced their first release of 2022, Cath Thompson’s The Numbers & the Words. The publisher’s description says:

This landmark edition of Liber AL vel Legis, the Book of the Law, is fully enumerated according to the English Qaballa, the Book’s own in-text cipher Key.

“The Numbers & the Words is a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in the Book of the Law and the magic of its numerological unveiling, and an answer to the difficulties once faced by English Qabalists who made their own enumerations of Liber AL by hand. Those private editions from the late 20th century are extremely rare and hard to find; The Numbers & the Words follows the scheme of presentation devised by James Lees and his group for the first enumerated Liber AL. Each page of text is designed to show clearly all the numeric values beneath the words, with the total values of all the punctuated phrases and the sum total of every verse included, making it the most useful reference for anyone interested in English Qaballa and the mystery of its source.

“Coming up next: In February we will open pre-orders for the 25th anniversary edition of Steve Savedow’s Goetic Evocation. The scheduled release date for the paperback edition is 22 February; the hardcover edition is printing now but it may or may not arrive in the warehouse by that date. In February we will also be releasing another title in our Guides to the Underworld series: The Torture and Death of St. Cyprian and St. Justina: A late-Medieval Latin account, translated and with an introduction by Robert Nixon. Finally, February will also find us selling books in Glastonbury at the Occult Conference. We hope to see some of you there!”


Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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