“Color and I are one” – PAUL KLEE’S Personal Notebooks Online



ARTIST PAUL KLEE’S Personal Notebooks Online

Thanks to OPEN CULTURE [an incredible resource site] for making available 3,900 Pages of Paul Klee’s Personal Notebooks Online. Presenting His Bauhaus Teachings (1921-1931). An absolutely indispensable documentation of one of the most significant artistic processes of Modern Art. Having spent many hours with these notebook it struck me as an incredibly erudite and exhaustive methodology which for me was a very inspiring example of the documentation of an artistic evolution and personally has some strong parallels to a magical dairy par excellence . BWH

Paul Klee led an artistic life that spanned the 19th and 20th centuries, but he kept his aesthetic sensibility tuned to the future. Because of that, much of the Swiss-German Bauhaus-associated painter’s work, which at its most distinctive defines its own category of abstraction, still exudes a vitality today.

And he left behind not just those 9,000 pieces of art (not counting the hand puppets he made for his son), but plenty of writings as well, the best known of which came out in English as Paul Klee Notebooks, two volumes (The Thinking Eye and The Nature of Nature) collecting the artist’s essays on modern art and the lectures he gave at the Bauhaus schools in the 1920s.

More recently, the Zentrum Paul Klee made available online almost all 3,900 pages of Klee’s personal notebooks, which he used as the source for his Bauhaus teaching between 1921 and 1931. If you can’t read German, his extensively detailed textual theorizing on the mechanics of art (especially the use of color, with which he struggled before returning from a 1914 trip to Tunisia declaring, “Color and I are one. I am a painter”) may not immediately resonate with you. But his copious illustrations of all these observations and principles, in their vividness, clarity, and reflection of a truly active mind, can still captivate anybody — just as his paintings do.

3,900 Pages of Paul Klee’s Personal Notebooks Are Now Online, Presenting His Bauhaus Teachings (1921-1931)


Star of the colour elements or of colour totality from Paul Klee:the thinking eye. 1961

Star of the colour elements or of colour totality from Paul Klee:the thinking eye. 1961


Barry William Hale

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