Spanish Town STILL Under Catholic Curse

Trasmoz, is a tiny village situated in the foothills of the Moncayo mountain range in Aragon. The village has a strange, centuries-long history of association with witchcraft. This started as a ruse to cover the manufacture of counterfeit coins in the then-thriving town but then became enmeshed in conflict between a local monastery and the Trasmozians regarding taxation to support the monastery and wound up with the local bishop asking for permission from Pope Julius II to curse the town, who’s inhabitants were and remain excommunicated en masse. Most of the matter revolves around struggles for political and economic power between the rulers of the town and regional church authorities (sorta shameful all around). The most interesting part might be the manner of cursing the town, which revolved around chanting Psalm 108 (or 109 in some Bibles) which starts: “Hold not thy peace, O God of my praise; For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are opened against me…” — and gets pretty damned fierce.

[UNVERIFIED CONTENT] Town located in the Shire of Tarazona and Moncayo. Famous for its legends of witchcraft. The castle is from XII century.

[UNVERIFIED CONTENT] Town located in the Shire of Tarazona and Moncayo. Famous for its legends of witchcraft. The castle is from XII century.

thanks to Soror Hypatia for the tip!

Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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