3D Virtual Exhibition – Magia Naturalis et Innaturalis

“Magia Naturalis et Innaturalis: or, Threefold Coercion of Hell, Last Testament and the Sigils of the Art” is a 3D Virtual Exhibition hosted by the Stephen Romano Gallery of the work of Johannes Faust appearing in said book.  The explanation posted on FB says:
“Based on the magnificent grimoire published in 1849 commissioned and published by Johann Scheible, with illustrations by “The hardworking painter Mr. Karl Kohl”.
In 2016, Nicholas Alvarez Ortiz, the world’s leading authority on this grimoire, and owner of Enodia Press , undertook and published the definitive illustrated English translation of “Magia Naturalis et Innaturalis,” and describes it as follows:
“The Magia Naturalis et Innaturalis was a popular grimoire in 18th Century Germany centering around the legend of Doctor Faust, to whom it was pseudo-epigraphically attributed. It contains a great array of magical practices centering around his mythical exploits aided by the spirit Mephistopheles.It remains relevant today as the foremost exemplar stemming from the Faustian Magical Literature and will prove indispensable for the scholars of Western Esotericism for its great array of magical practices dealing with topics like demonology, necromancy, the Liber Spirituum and divination as well as to the students of Goethe’s sources for his magnum opus Faust.This critical edition, amply researched, provides historical and literary context through its introduction and commentary to students and scholars of magic and Faustian literature.”
Mr Alvarez continues:
“Within Stephen Romano’s virtual gallery, the spectator has the opportunity to stand within the pages of the Magia Naturalis et Innaturalis and peer into its arcane symbols. Each image the spirits meeting us face to face almost like a religious icon, vibrant with life, becoming a numinous window that invites the curious to enter the legend of Dr. Faust.”

Enter the exhibit here: https://artspaces.kunstmatrix.com/en/exhibition/5901170/magia-naturalis-et-innaturalis-or-threefold-coercion-of-hell-last-testament-and.

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