Part Three of Australian Grand Master’s Series on Liber Resh

Australia’s Grand Lodge of Ordo Templi Orientis recently published the third part of Australian Grand Master Shiva X°’s series “Australia: the land of sun worshippers.”

It begins:

“In the third part of this series I’ll turn to Liber Resh meditation. This is the third part of Resh, after invocation and adoration. In Book Four Part One, Crowley defines meditation as ‘the way of attainment of genius or godhead considered as a development of the human brain.’ The Crowley corpus teaches multiple methods of meditation. And of course, there are many other systems of meditation beyond those taught in our System. So what should you do?

“Remember that as with parts I and II, these blogs have been written as suggestive for newcomers or those interested in our System. They are not intended to replace the formal teachings and transmissions of Authority. It might be easiest to say that as you develop routine and establish the magical contact I’ve mentioned in parts I and II, you will cultivate your own practice of just how to ‘compose Thyself to holy meditation.’ Compose in this case means ‘to calm or settle (oneself or one’s features or thoughts).’ Suitably composed, holy meditation can be looked on as mindful concentration.

“Mindful concentration is one of the goals of traditional yoga. Of the many different meanings of yoga, one better known in India than in the West is that any disciplined activity is considered yoga. It implies routine. In Barbara Stoler Miller’s translation of The Bhagavad Gita for example, the sanskrit ‘yoga’ is translated as ‘discipline.’ So what is this yoga of concentration we are doing to close off our Resh practice?”

Read the teaching in its entirety:

Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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