Aries, Volume 16, Issue 2, 2016 Now Out!

Aries  Volume 16, Issue 2, 2016 including writing by Martin A. Starr and many other illustrious scholars of esotericism is now available.

The site states:

“Aries is the first professional academic journal specifically devoted to a long-neglected but now rapidly developing new domain of research in the humanities, usually referred to as “Western Esotericism”. This field covers a variety of “alternative” currents in western religious history, including the so-called “hermetic philosophy” and related currents in the early modern period; alchemy, paracelsianism and rosicrucianism; christian kabbalah and its later developments; theosophical and illuminist currents; and various occultist and related developments during the 19th and 20th centuries, up to and including popular contemporary currents such as the New Age movement. Aries is a peer-reviewed journal publishing articles and book reviews in English, French, German and Italian.”

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