Video of Presentation by Christophe Poncet

Scarlet Imprint posted a video pertaining to an upcoming publication of work by Christophe Poncet. The posted description says:

“Christophe Poncet gives a spirited lecture on ‘Investigating early esoteric uses of the Tarot de Marseille,’ at the Occulture Conference in Berlin, presenting research that will appear in his forthcoming The Tarot of Marsilio. Yes, the audio is poor until 3.31, but stick with it as the sound quality improves dramatically and Christophe’s charisma carries the day. Our thanks to Occulture Berlin for putting on such a stellar event, and making the lectures freely available. Please like, subscribe and share as there is more to come, and it makes a real difference to the algorithm which tends to hide serious occult content such as this.”


More information on the book:

Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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