In the US, Everyone Lies About Sex

Zebras walking with a striped elephant, from the cover of Everybody Lies

“The Beast 666 ordains by His authority that every man, and every woman, and every intermediately-sexed individual, shall be absolutely free to interpret and communicate Self by means of any sexual practices soever, whether direct or indirect, rational or symbolic, physiologically, legally, ethically, or religiously approved or no, provided only that all parties to any act are fully aware of all implications and responsibilities thereof, and heartily agree thereto.” –Commentary to The Book of the Law I:51

An recent article in Vox discusses Seth Stephens-Davidowitz’s Everybody Liesa new book that provides insight into America’s consciousness through data on Google searches.  The interviewer, Sean Illing, notes two findings from the book: “America is riddled with racist and selfish people, and there may be a self-induced abortion crisis in this country.” Further, he notes, Americans keep a lot of secrets when it comes to their sexual needs and desires, elaborating:

Among other things, Stephens-Davidowitz’s data suggests that there are more gay men in the closet than we think; that many men prefer overweight women to skinny women but are afraid to act on it; that married women are disproportionately worried their husband is gay; that a lot of straight women watch lesbian porn; and that porn featuring violence against women is more popular among women than men.

Stephens-Davidowitz adds, “That says something truly awful about our cultural pathologies. People should be free to like whatever they want, but the pressures to conform are overwhelming — and ultimately unhealthy.” Or, as The Book of the Law says, “The word of sin is restriction.”

Proof that Americans are lying about their sexual desires

Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are


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