Thelesis Oasis Performs Gnostic Mass at Fleisher Art Memorial

Dr. Richard Kaczynski posted this brief report on his FB feed yesterday: “Yesterday (Saturday, April 25) I attended an amazing Gnostic Mass in the Fleisher Art Memorial chapel in Philadelphia. What a setting! A fleur de lis iron gate opened into the chapel proper, where three great steps led up to the altar and a gigantic Egyptian-style mural of the Madonna/Isis surrounded by zodiac-themed images. This was the first public event for Thelesis Oasis, Ordo Templi Orientis since the roof of its building collapsed in March, thus providing fellowship for its members, outreach to the community, and fundraising to cover lost/damaged items.”


Thelesis Mass at FleischerMass at Sancturary


The next event being hosted by Thelesis-in-exile will be Saturday May 9 at 6PM  – a “Introduction to Alchemical Philosophy” being presented by Brother Marius from Tahuti Lodge at the Penn LGBT Center, 3907 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA.

Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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