The History of Science Minded Christians

Posting this not to be pro-Xtian, just anti-mythology, in this case the mythology that Christianity in general exists in conflict with science.

“You’ve heard the claimed dichotomy between Christianity and science, how the dark ages ended and the enlightenment showed the way beyond religion.

“This ‘conflict thesis’ continues in many minds today. Maybe you’ve heard the strident atheist version. The conflict between the church, as far back as the murder of Hypatia (360–415), of Giordano Bruno, Galileo’s trials, and others.

“Maybe you’ve heard the response that 60% of 20th century Nobel prize winners, and many of the highest ranked scientists today are church attenders. Maybe you’ve read Karl Popper, who, as a leader in the philosophy of epistemology and science, notes that scientific ideas are commonly ‘mythogenic’, that is, they had their genesis in religion and mythology, and may not exist but for this. Maybe you’ve heard that the idea of a divine law-giver enabled physics, as the world was understood to operate via created laws.

“So how valid is the conflict thesis? How revolutionary was the Scientific Revolution? Could the conflict between science and Christianity be overblown?

“Sir Francis Bacon (1561–1626), a Christian, was one of the key advancers of the scientific principle, building on what is known as the Scientific Revolution which started in the 1540s through to Isaac Newton in the latter half of the 17th century.

“But not so simple! A greater understanding of historical theology, examining how various theologians in the past two millennia, will show Christian thought was scientific in nature well before the scientific revolution. Indeed it was fundamental to this revolution.

“Since the early adoption of Platonic philosophy, Christian theologians have grappled with the relationship of science and faith by recognizing their complementary roles. They understood that science was vital to understanding God through his laws and effects, providing an important step towards understanding God directly.

“To understand how scientific thinking existed well before the Scientific Revolution, let’s examine a few key theologians and how they understood the relationship between faith and science. We’ll start well before the Scientific Revolution, and show Christian thought leading to it.”

What follows a list of important scientific figures that were also devout Christians. That being said, feel free to do your own research to verify or discount all this.

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