Strange Experiments in Parapsychology

As we close in on Samhain, the BBC ran a curious report on testing undertaken in the 1960’s by parapsychologist AD Cornell, he termed “Experimental Apparitions.” Essentially, he tried to contrive the appearance of spirit hauntings in order to observe their impact on those experiencing them; he’d don the classic muslin sheet and suddenly jump out from behind trees or grave markers etc. The odd thing was, the overwhelming majority of observers…saw nothing; an anomaly like this simply didn’t register in their consciousness whatsoever. The handful that did see something believed it to be a school prank.  While the author of this piece chalks this up to a now widely accepted phenomenon called “inattentional blindness” it begs the question – how to account for the numerous spirit/ghost sightings on record IF inattentional blindness is the natural response to a contrived visual and/or audio (Cornell did try adding spooky moans to his performances with no better results) experience? Might there be a whole range of manifestational markers occurring in instances of genuine encounters with spirits? Not saying that it’s “true” per se — but it’s an intriguing question? And the prime time to experiment…coming right up!

Read the whole article

Horror movie scene with a girl dressed in white in a desolated house; Shutterstock ID 149780201; PO: 1259; Job: ghosts

Horror movie scene with a girl dressed in white in a desolated house; Shutterstock ID 149780201; PO: 1259; Job: ghosts

thanks to Soror Hypatia for the tip!

Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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