Speculative Art Research vol 2

The Rammellzee


Speculative Art Reseach: vol 2

The goal of this journal is to present visual art and writing that we deem visionary, metaphysical, forward-thinking and deeply imaginative. Historically, artists working in the realms of imagination and seership have given the world great gifts, though their voices often go under appreciated in their lifetimes.  They elevate us from the mundane and the material, provide bridges to better futures and reveal dire warnings about the failings of our time.


Paul Laffoley / “Thanaton III” / 1989


This journal will inaugurate a new critical format fit for Speculative Art-making, with an eye toward revising the role of the artist who makes it.

The Speculative leaves one foot in age-old mystical spaces, and all practitioners hold candles to particular aspects of history while also ambling toward novel ways to understand their present reality.  In this journal one might find not only art criticism that references actual history, but art criticism that makes up its own history instead. One might find philosophies that are marginalized or nascent, spiritualties that are self-made and identities that blur into each other freely.

Our aim is to unravel institutional constraints on complexities of thought that verge on world-building, letting them escape the tribunal forces that are perched upon the shoulders of artists who dare venture into the wilderness of fantastical craft.


 Vol 2: includes Artist and Writers – Paul Laffoley, Peter Stoeltje, The Rammellzee, Max Razdow, Thom Donovan, Domenico Zindato, Alessandro Keegan, Brian Chidester, The High Llamas, Barry William Hale, Amy Hale

See latest issue here: Speculative Arts Research vol 2.



Speculative Arts Research


Barry William Hale

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