Religion and Modernity: The War for the Soul of America

Scarlet Woman Lodge, O.T.O. in the Valley of Austin, TX is hosting an online lecture:

Religion and Modernity: The War for the Soul of America
Thursday, July 8, 8:30 pm Eastern, 7:30 pm Central, etc.

Religion, challenges to it, and new expressions of it, came to the forefront in the 20th century, and are now as important in American public and political life as they are in our private lives – arguably even more so. To many in the wake of the Enlightenment, religion was thought to be on its last legs, a relic of primitive thinking that would soon be swept away by rationalism and science.

In the 20th century, there was a reaction on the part of many religious against the forces of intellectualism, modernity, and globalization. That reaction was the rise of Fundamentalism. Fundamentalism has been a way for many to hold fast to what they see as the core beliefs of their faith, to resist both modernization and scientific thinking, and to rebuke the voices for change within their own communities.

By the 1910s many social reforms had been enacted by the Progressive Party in the U.S. government, as a result of which the federal government got much more responsibility and control over American life. Social Religion had become Social Government.

What conservative Christians wanted, however, was refuge from the turbulence of urban life, and from what they saw as government encroachment into areas formerly controlled by families and by churches.

The stage was set for a clash of religious, cultural, and legislative forces that would shape the 20th century and are as strident today as they ever were… as you can see all around you.

In this workshop we will explore the roots, branches, and present fruits of this ongoing struggle in the U.S.

The Hermetic Practice Workshop is an ongoing class series providing examination of topics related to practical spiritual work. Attendees need no prior experience or attendance of previous workshops to participate in a given workshop. Attendees are encouraged to bring their magical record, journal, and/or something with which to take notes. All Hermetic Practice Workshops are held Thursdays. 7:30-9:30 pm Central Texas Time. Online. All HPW events are open to the PUBLIC.

Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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