Pentacles and Tools of the Greater Key of Solomon

UK occult publishing powerhouse Hadean Press announced the release of two new titles in their Guides To The Underworld series: Tools of the Greater Key and Pentacles of Solomon by author and illustrator S. Aldernay. The posted description says:

“He presents each of the Pentacles given in the Key of Solomon, precisely redrawn and with explanations of the divine names, the names of spirits, as well as the vesicles in English, Latin and Hebrew, in an attempt to make the individual’s use of the seals more effective. By presenting the pentacles in full the author hopes that people will be inclined to experiment more with them as the seals are able to bridge the gap between the high magic of angelic conjuration and divine names, and the folk magic which utilizes psalms and spiritual assistance for more day to day concerns.

“The Greater Key of Solomon is arguably one of the most influential grimoires in modern magical practice; however, like so many of the older books of magic, over the years many of the images, symbols and sigils found in the book have become distorted and malformed by time and human error. In this volume author and illustrator S. Aldarnay has endeavoured to render the images found in the popular Mathers edition of the text clearly and cleanly, so that they might be of greater use to the modern magician, either as physical tools, or as a way of understanding the symbolic and ritualistic virtues of the objects contained within this famous magical text.

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