NOTOCON X Kicks Off Tomorrow in Austin, Texas

Tomorrow marks the official start of  NOTOCON. Convened every two years, the conference is being held in Austin, TX home to Scarlet Woman Lodge.  The weekend will be filled with lectures, workshops, rituals, a formal banquet and FELLOWSHIP. The official website states:

“Our dynamic regional community reflects the cultural diversity of Texas. The O.T.O. bodies in our area include people from all demographics and reflect the society around us.

“When practicing magick in a conservative part of the country, we become each others’ support and confirmation of our chosen path. Practicing the radical philosophy of Thelema is a challenge that we share in as we raise our children, fight for freedom, and build our community.

“Our theme expresses the heat of a southwestern summer, but more significantly how we achieve our Will while working, parenting, creating, and evolving as individuals, as well as in the Thelemic community and the red states we live in. New Mexico, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas are part of our region.

“”So given our daily environment and all of its challenges, how do our Magical practices lead to personal change, meeting goals, and furthering our progress on a daily basis? How, specifically, has Thelema led to changes in people’s work places, families, and communities? How do we manifest the Law in our everyday lives, whether at work, play, or home? How do Thelemites handle the problems encountered in a predominantly Christian environment, especially in the work place and other areas where our philosophy of freedom conflicts with expectations of conformity?

“Despite all the pitfalls, we thrive together, and our light can shine brightest in the darkness. We are families, we are lovers, we are seekers, we are teachers. We are husbands, sisters, children and crones. Above all, we are Magicians. We are the fire of Will as it manifests in the Love we share as we grow and change together. We are Fire in Motion.

“We hope you will come on down to Texas and celebrate with us, but be forewarned: it’s gonna get hot in here!”


Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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