Newsweek’s Coverage of the Translation of The Zohar

Newsweek recently ran a surprisingly lengthy feature on Daniel Matt, the two decades he spent translating the Zohar into English and his monthly Zohar study sessions. In part the article states:

“The Zohar—central to the mystical strain of Judaism known as Kabbalah—is a 13th-century commentary primarily on the first five books of the Bible, known as the Torah. That might make it sound dull; it is anything but. Imagine the Old Testament as written by H.P. Lovecraft, Bible stories tripping on acid, rendered in difficult-to-decipher Aramaic, full of wisdom and beauty but shrouded in obscurity, a 1,900-page text written more than 700 years ago whose teachings have been embraced by celebrities like Madonna but not fully understood even by most scholars of Judaism.”

Read the entire piece here:

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