New Episode of Thelema, NOW! Podcast – on Alchemy

A new episode of the Thelema, NOW! podcast has been posted. Y’all should DL it and ya can listen on yr plane ride to Denver for NOTOcon!

In this episode, host, Harper Feist talks with Brian Cotnoir on the occasion of the release of his new book “On Alchemy.” Brian has been practicing alchemy as the art and science of perfecting a process for many years. The book is your opportunity to participate in his current, along with the classic history of the practice and many illuminating exercises. Hear more about it in this fascinating discussion!

Buy the book here: On Alchemy by Brian Cotnoir: 9781786787705 | Books

See more of Brian’s work here:

Listen/DL the episode:

Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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