Man, Myth and Magic – When The Occult Went Mainstream – our favorite source for entertaining and sometimes informative reportage on subcultural phenomena – just posted an appreciation of Man, Myth and Magic. This was originally a newsstand magazine in the UK, eventually repackaged as a 24 volume encyclopedia (the last volume being an index). Part of  Dangerousminds’ fascination with this publication is that it was sold in mainstream outlets – the encyclopedia was made available in supermarkets and chain drug stores. So its circulation was part of the explosion of occulture in the ’70s (the era of the OTO renaissance as well, perhaps not coincidentally) that saw extensive — if often inaccurate and distorted – coverage of a wide range of occult-themed topics.

For its part Man, Myth and Magic covered exorcism, astrology, Aleister Crowley, voodoo, telekinesis, Paganism and so on.  The front cover of issue #1 was a painting by no less a magical notable that Austin Osman Spare!

You can purchase a 21 volume reprint for about $120

Or the 24 volume original for about $140

You can read the entire DM article here:



HEY! Look what I just found on the shelves here – and note the price written on ’em .15 cents!

man Myth mags

Frater Lux Ad Mundi


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