L.A.Times Obituary for Patricia Kennealy-Morrison

We posted earlier this week about the passing away of Patricia Kennealy-Morrison as reported in several Sci Fi oriented sites. Finally the mainstream press has taken note. Here’ the L.A. Times’ obituary:

“Patricia Kennealy-Morrison, who died on July 21 at age 75, was a prolific, life-long writer who in the late 1960s helped pave the way for women in music journalism and later penned popular science fantasy novels and mysteries.

“She was a writer of fantasy who lived out a rock ’n’ roll dream of sorts. Her place in music history was sealed the day she interviewed Doors singer Jim Morrison in 1969. A romance followed, and Kennealy-Morrison was immortalized in Oliver Stone’s 1991 movie The Doors as the woman to whom the singer committed in a Celtic hand-fasting ceremony. The writer appeared in the movie as the priestess performing the pagan wedding.

“It is sadly ironic that Kennealy-Morrison is most famous for her rock-star liaison, since she was a talented and strong-voiced critic who was acutely aware of the paucity of opportunities offered to women in music. ‘For all its self hype to the contrary, rock is just another dismal male chauvinist trip, with one important difference: it’s got the power and the looseness with which to change itself,’ she wrote in 1970 in Jazz & Pop, the magazine she edited.”


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