Interesting Statement from Genesis

I’m re-posting this statement that was posted on Genesis Breyer P-Orridge’s FB page. Because whether you agree with Djinn’s opinions or not, encountering them is pretty much always broadening.

“When we read or hear via this COUM-UNITY of TOPI Beings who have found coumfort, solace, meaning or even peace through our writings, our celebratory disconcerts, our poetry and music readings, our writings ( especially thee “Psychick Bible”) or ANY medium/ media that speaks to even one of you… We feel blessed. So so blessed.🙏 …It means so so much to me to hear that this One True TOPI Tribe connectedness is resonating positively with one of you. Is giving hope, a sense of being part of a group, not alone and afraid of being singled out for abuse of ANY kind. This is when we feel we have succeeded in even the smallest way to touch you, coumfort you, embrace you as we confirm you are NOT alone. The TOPI Tribe is your home, the safest place we can provide to nurture, protect you… Re-MIND you that a non-filial famille exists and well-Coums you exactly as you choose to be, or real eyes👀 you actually are.
As we begin stretching out yet again into this amazing earth full of revelation on our “ALIENIST” series of disconcerts we hope we create, at least for a few hours, a SAFE, expansive, immersive, joy full, non-judgemental zone where you can ALL totally let go of fear, of ANY feeling you need to look cool, any inherited concepts of stereotypes or social/gender roles… You are in a ONE TRUE TOPI TRIBE autonomous Zone Of Freedom🙏😀 and nobody should care if/how they Dance, no one should be aware of or or care about how you look, speak, think‼️ for the duration of our celebration you will be absolutely
FREE of any inhibiting form OF EXPECTATION and encouraging of NO ATTACHMEANT…we dream of a place where like-minded Beings forge alternative forms of Coum-unity. More like a village where ALL the inhabitants are striving towards reaching and sharing their maximum potential. An ad hoc Coum-unity that does NOT choose to “drop out” but acts as a ” think tank” for new ways to heal social structures. That exists to CHANGE SOCIETIES not abandon them by simply going off ” the grid”. An accelerated ” battery” that offers ways to give skills to each being that enables not only their total self fulfill meant but also as many examples of alternative styles of existing as there are dwellers in each Coum-unity. These will NOT be communes but microcosms of society researching ever mutating methods of fulfill meant.

“So as we looked at memorabilia from 1983 we discovered a TOPY xerox end leaflet that spoke to the ME here NOW as if it was written yesterday‼️☺️
We shall upload it as it feels important. As do ways to build flexible, parallel and autonomous, L⭕️💙E driven experimental groups of maximum creation.

“As soon as our upcoming run of tours are fulfilled we intend to focus on the difficulties and pitfalls as well as the advantages, of founding a TOPI tribal


Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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