Holy Days – The Hanged Man

In 2020, members of Alombrados Oasis in the Valley of New Orleans took advantage of their time locked down at home during the early days of the SARS-COV2 pandemic started creating art inspired by the Thelemic Holy Days. Here’s an example:
ATU XII. LIBER LXV Ch III. The Hanged Man.
40. I am become like a luscious devil of Italy; a fair strong woman with worn cheeks, eaten out with hunger for kisses. She hath played the harlot in divers places; she hath given her body to the beasts.
41. She hath slain her kinsfolk with strong venom of toads; she hath been scourged with many rods.
42. She hath been broken in pieces upon the Wheel; the hands of the hangman have bound her unto it.
43. The fountains of water have been loosed upon her; she hath struggled with exceeding torment.
44. She hath burst in sunder with the weight of the waters; she hath sunk into the awful Sea.
45. So am I, O Adonai, my lord, and such are the waters of Thine intolerable Essence.
Medea was selected as the candidate for the retelling of The Hanged Man and the associated lines from Liber LXV to elucidate the necessary egoic death, the inherent blood sacrifice, and the element of the requisite exile of “the Other”.
This series has been a continual project shot during the Thelemic Holy Days, coinciding also with quarantine. Stay creative, continue to thrive for every moment.
Photography/Lighting @_dicknorman_
Concept/Makeup @lady.psychepomp
Concept/Model @talismanleather

Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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