How Do You Juggle so Many Deities?

Here’s an excerpt from Jason Miller’s weekly newsletter:

Yesterday I had a 3 hour appearance to students at Swarthmore that I did via zoom. Rather than put together a great talk I took the easy refuge of the ill-prepared speaker and talked about myself for a bit than asked for questions from the audience.

I am doing it again here 🙂

Answering A Few Questions

Q: Hugo asks “What’s the most challenging item you’ve ever had to get for a spell?” 

A: Definitely a personal link. What I did may not, strictly speaking, be legal so I will skip that example. Beyond that it would have to be water from a Blue Hole in the Pine Barrens. I got lost and nearly had to spend the night in the pines with no supplies.

Q. Sheta asks: “How do you juggle so many deities? How many deity-dedicated altars do you have, if any? How many permanent working altars do you have? What is the best way to approach a deity you haven’t met yet, to establish a friendly contact that you can reapproach as needed? Do you do little spontaneous tributes as you go about your day? (Example: coins for Papa Legba) Any elaboration on any of this would help me get the ball rolling on this new aspect of my practice. Thank you, Jason.

A: That’s cheating Sheta 🙂  Thats like five questions loosely related! But I will answer them.

I actually don’t juggle as many as it appears. They just happen to be from disparate traditions that I have encountered in my life. I juggle them the same way that I juggle people: some take precidence at certain times, and some take a back seat. They all have a space in my mind and heart though. As to altars I have three permenant altars: one dedicated to Tibetan Buddhist practice, One for Hekate, that has space for other greco-roman powers underneath it, one for Cyprianic practice that brings together Christian and Luciferian powers. I have other little spaces outside to spirits of the land, to mary, and other spots to certain spirits throughout the house – but I hesitate to call them altars.

Best way to approach a diety you have’t encountered yet is to start with research into the traditions surrounding that diety. If there is a living tradition surrounding that diety, contact representatives of that tradition. Then make offerings and go from there,

And yes, I do spontaneous tributes every day and every night.

Q. Mark asks: Since we have to isolate are there any books you’re currently reading that you recommend?

Hell yes. Sticking to just stuff I have been fiddling with this year:

1..Opscula Cypriani by Jose Leitao.
2. 33 Strategies of War by Robert Green
3. The Soulful Art of Persuasion by Jason Harris
4. The American Dream Is Not Dead by Michael R Strain
5. The Dark Side of Japan by Antony Cummings
6. The Cryptonomicon by Neil Stephenson
7. Magician: Apprentice by Raymont E Feist
8. The Horn of Evernwood by Robin Artisson
9. The Gift by Lewis Hyde
10. The Night Train to Lisbon by Pascal Mercier

Q. Martin asks: ” You have told us of your Hekate origin story, your Cyprian origin story, your Vajrakilaya origin story. All these became courses after years of practice. Is there a new type of sorcery that you’ve been working with recently that we may see in the coming years? Also, is there a type of magic that you use that you would never teach?

A. There are things that I am working with now that may become future courses for sure. I like to work with things for a long time though before teaching them. There are a couple things that I have learned that I would never teach. Some because I don’t think they are useful to the modern world, others because there are other people better suited to teaching them.

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