O.T.O. Cabinet member David Tibet recently posted about a new collection of pieces, painting on vintage British Cabinet Cards. He says:
“When the text was Channelled into me of THE LIGHT IS LEAVING US ALL, I was shown a beautiful and terrifying vision of THE LIGHT Leaving Us All, and returning to its HOME as we go, or prepare to go, to our LONG HOME (Ecclesiastes XII:5). I see it now, in front of my eyes like a Ghost.
“I created several hundred of these pieces, mainly using original late-19th century (“Victorian”), and early-20th century (“Edwardian”), cabinet cards, primarily British. On each of them I painted THE LIGHT leaving the Quick and the Dead. The majority of these pieces formed one of the main installations of my exhibition Invocation Of Almost at the Begovich Gallery, in California. They will stay as one unit in the installation.
“Not all the pieces went to the Begovich Gallery, however, as I carried on painting them after all my artwork had left for California. So I am offering some for purchase here. The Henry Boxer Gallery will also have a selection of different images. I have titled, and signed, in white ink the back of each photograph.”
See the collection here: https://www.davidtibet.com/collections/the-light-is-leaving-us-all-photographs.