Coupe Jack on the Sixth Day

Coupe Jack

Aleister Crowley records a delicious meal in John St. John: The Record of the Magical Retirement of G. H. Frater, O M, The Sixth Day, “7.40. Chez Lavenue. Bisque d’Ecrevisses, demi-perdreau à la Gelée, Cèpes Bordelaise, Coupe Jack.”

Coupe JackCoupe Jack is an ice cream and fruit dessert. This is one of many possible variations, serving six people.

  • 1/4 cup seedless grapes
  • 1 banana
  • 1 peach (or kiwi fruit)
  • 1/4 cup raspberries (or strawberries)
  • 2 tbs kirsch (cherry brandy)
  • 1 cup vanilla ice cream
  • 1 cup strawberry frozen custard (or ice cream)
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • superfine granulated sugar to taste

Chop all the fruit and mix it together in a bowl.

Add the kirsch and macerate the fruit for 4 hours.

Place one portion of ice cream and one portion of custard in each of 6 sundae dishes.

Cover with the macerated fruit.

Whip the cream to soft peaks and sweeten to taste with sugar. Decorate each serving with the whipped cream.


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