“Invisible House at DARK MOFO seeks to unsettle the barriers between science and magic; space and time.”
….DISINFO what was the formative inspiration behind “Invisible House”?
BW Invisible House is a multimedia program that is out to unsettle the barriers between performance, and static arts; science and magic; space and time. We’re out to destroy assumptions and prejudices, create dialogues between all of the works selected, allow audiences to draw imaginary lines between the works and create a larger indefinable work out of these intersecting lines. The correspondences and serendipities will be unique for each person who experiences it. This is deliberate. I’d call it anti-curating. We lead no one by the nose.
DISINFO What are the origins of the “Invisible House”?
BW Invisible House began with my solo work ‘Tohu V Bohu’ which explores the nigredo or ‘blackening’ work of alchemy (putrefaction, cleansing, cooking where the base material is rendered uniformly black). The first stage of the transformation of the base material into spiritual gold.
All of the works draw on unseen forces (whether actual, or merely manifestations of the subconscious are up for audience interpretation) – and mine unexplored regions of human consciousness.
Given the scientific rationalist basis of art theory, these works are the last taboo of the artist at odds with this paradigm. They present a new reality in which trans-rational, trans-personal confrontations with the ineffable, are not only legitimised, but also show the way forward and present a dissident resistance to ideological and spiritual tyranny.
see full interview @ DISINFO :