Alombrados Oasis Inaugurates “Krewe What Thou Wilt” Carnival Krewe

Alombrados Oasis, the Chartered Local Body of Ordo Templi Orientis in the Valley of New Orleans inaugurates its first official Carnival krewe this year, “Krewe What Thou Wilt.”  The Krewe will be parading Saturday, January 31 under the aegis of the Krewedelusion, who immediately follow Krewe Du Vieux through the Marigny and French Quarter neighborhoods.  Their FB page states:

Dear Brothers, Sisters, Honoured Guests, and Friends,

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Carnival springs forth from the ecstatic spirit that is the lifeblood of all that is true and vital in our culture. On broken glass and pot-holed streets, we Thelemites share in the heirship, communion, and benediction of the maskers and revelers of ancient time. As New Orleanians, guardians of the spirit of Carnival, we co-mingle our madness with that burning joy found at every gate and by-way of this great city.

“Krewe What Thou Wilt” is the official Mardi Gras Krewe of the New Orleans Ordo Templi Orientis body, Alombrados Oasis.

We roll the first parading night of Mardi Gras season, and are honoured to do so under the umbrella of our seasoned mother Krewe, krewedelusion, January 31, 2015. We will be the first officially recognized O.T.O. presence in Carnival.

“Keep always this dim corner for me, that I may sit while the Green Hour glides, a proud pavine of Time. For I am no longer in the city accursed, where Time is horsed on the white gelding Death, his spurs rusted with blood. There is a corner of the United States which he has overlooked. It lies in New Orleans…”

Love is the law, love under will.

“Krewe What Thou Wilt” plans to be in attendance: “Throw me something Mistuh!”

Krewe What Thou Wilt

Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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