Registration is open for NOTOCON XI in Orlando which will be held in the Valley of Orlando, Florida, on the weekend of August 11, 12 and 13, 2017e.v.! Please visit the website at to find out about the conference, to register, and to reserve your hotel room. All those of Minerval or higher degree in Ordo Templi Orientis are eligible to register and attend. Speakers will be announced shortly!
The theme for NOTOCON XI is “For the Chance of Union.” This theme reflects the desire of individual magicians to work with others within the O.T.O.
The workshops and events presented will focus on group rituals and practices, rather than the individual practices of our members. Workshop topics may include initiations, the Gnostic Mass, the Rites of Eleusis, the Feasts, music, art, dramatic ritual, sex magick, etc. Additional topics may relate to the Eleventh Trump of the Tarot, Lust.
Orlando, Florida is a wonderful venue for this theme, as the majority of the local economy is based on tourism and hospitality. About 59 million people visited Orlando in 2013 — the fourth year in a row the area has set a record for visitors. Orlando is one of the top convention and vacation destinations in the country and offers a great value and unique experience for our attendees, which is not available elsewhere. Inexpensive, direct flights are available from most major cities to Orlando International Airport, making travel easy!