Masterclass in Enochian Vision Magick

Vision in the Desert is Lon Milo Du Quette’s 3 day Masterclass in Enochian Vision Magick, being held March 5-7 in Joshua Tree, CA. The posted description says:

Do you have a Fascination with Ancient and Elegant Magical Systems, and their significance as Blueprint for understanding the Mysteries within Universal Spiritual Tradition and Practice

Have you been searching for a way to Listen and Communicate with Spirit above and beyond, and find meaning, purpose and answers, opening up insights into a Boundless Angelic Realm

Are you curious about the Practice of John Dee and Edward Kelley, their roles in the Elizabethan Court, and John Dee’s engagement as Royal Advisor to the Queen and court spy?

Are you on a quest for an In-Person Learning Adventure, incorporating Lectures, Mind-Opening Practice, Enochian Calls, and Group Ritual with like-minded people away from the computer screen, so you can touch the Holy and Experience Angelic Presence?

Would you like to to gain insight into the Historical Ramifications of the Enochian System Dee and Kelley penned through a series of extraordinary circumstances, and how this most Elegant and Irresistibly Beautiful of Magickal Systems influenced the History of the World?

How great would it be to have Knowledge and Experience into Enochian Vision Magick, learning from a true Master, and let Lon DuQuette pass some of his Wisdom over to you, so you can enhance your understanding of the highest and deepest and find your place within the Magickal Realm.

For more information or to register:

Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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