Astrological Sigils of Arnaldus de Villa Nova

Hadean Press has announced the latest release in their Guides to the Underworld series: The Astrological Sigils of Arnaldus de Villa Nova translated by Fr Robert Nixon. The posted description:

Arnaldus de Villa Nova (c. 1240-1311) holds a distinguished place among scholars and investigators of the occult in the late Middle Ages, an era when the boundaries between magic, science and religion were wonderfully fluid. 

The work offered here, called in Latin Sigilla Philosophorum is a remarkable application of astrological magic and Christian prayer for medical purposes. In this concise treatise, Arnaldus describes the construction of twelve sigils or seals (to be inscribed upon rounded medals of gold or silver), corresponding to the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The present translation is taken from the text given in the compilation entitled Opera Arnaldi de Villanova¸ published by François Fradin in Lyon in 1508,in consultation with the selection of Arnaldus’ writings entitled Tractatus Varii Exoterici ac Chymici, published by Jean Stratius in Lyon in 1586. 

It is hoped that this work will provide a clear and useful insight into the details of the use and construction of these astrological sigils, whose efficacy was held in such high esteem by the most learned and powerful persons of the late Middle Ages.

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Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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