Genesis Breyer P-Orridge on…Caitlyn Jenner

Our beloved DangerousMinds recently published a news story linking to a podcast featuring Laura Jane Grace and our equally beloved Genesis Breyer P-Orridge discussing the notion that “Caitlyn Jenner—rich, white, honored at awards ceremonies, etc—should be wary of referring to herself as a spokesperson for the transgender community, considering that she’s got precious little in common with trans people of color and lower-income situations.”

And while Genesis’ opinions are always incredibly intelligent, insightful and entertaining it seems certain parts are of especial interest to modern magicians, to wit:

“Binary systems are the critical problem, the either/or, the black/white, gay/straight, Christian/Muslim, you name it. Maybe the problem is that we haven’t evolved into a unified being; not male or female but both. The human body is not the person. Identity is the way the brain operates; it’s memories, it’s sensory input and output. The mind is the person.”

read the whole news story which includes a link to the hour long podcast here:

Gen 3

Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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