Barry William Hale @ Raymond Buckland Museum of Witchcraft & Magick
December 3 -February 1, 2020.
The Buckland Museum of Witchcraft and Magick in Cleveland Ohio and The Stephen Romano Gallery in Brooklyn New York are please to announce a one person exhbition of the works of Australian artist Barry William Hale. December 3 -February 1, 2020.
Barry William Hale is considered to be one of the most internationally renowned occult artists . Based in Sydney his range of work over the past 20 years has included painting, drawing, installation, video, sound and performance.

Barry William Hale “AutoDaimon Triptych” 2016 marker on paper mounted on illustration board
collection of Stephen Romano
Hale has been exhibited in major Australian institutions and featured in many events including the Sydney Biennial. He is recognized as one of the leading artists of occult art not only in his country but also internationally, specifically creating work which responds to concepts of esoteric traditions, spirituality, philosophy and ritual. His writing and artwork have been published internationally across a range of academic and cultural publications.
Barry William has exhibited extensively with Stephen Romano Gallery over the past few year, beginning with the exhibition “Opus Hypnagogia” at the Morbid Anatomy Museum in Brooklyn in 2015, as well as “Saint Bowie”, a tribute exhibition to the late David Bowie, “Magia Sexualis” which Barry co-currated with Romano and was named one of the best “occulture” events of the year, and most recently “No Stars” a Twin Peak tribute exhibition in collaboration with renowned vocalist Rebekah Del Rio”.
I have been interested in Hale’s work for years, and his influence on modern occult arts is palpable,” Says Buckland Museum director Steven Intermill. “I see Hale as part of a lineage of important artists including Rosaleen Norton, Austin Osman Spare, Olga Fröbe-Kapteyn and Lady Frieda Harris, all having intersections in his work. We are very fortunate to be able to show his work from down under to the underground of Cleveland’s art scene.”