William Blake Lodge publishes “Heaven and Hell 2018”

The cover image of Heaven and HellWilliam Blake Lodge, in the Valley of Baltimore, Maryland, just released its newest edition of Heaven and Hell, a periodical anthology of writing by and for Thelemites and other magicians. Editor Frater Von Hohenheim writes, “This issue celebrates the boom in interest in European grimoire magic and spirit magic which has grown in the last ten years, which is also roughly the amount of time since the previous incarnation of Heaven and Hell.”

Within the grimoire theme some of the highlights include:

  • A reflection by a Soror on her experiences completing the Abramelin Operation;
  • A printing of Rufus Opus’s out of print Modern Angelic Grimoire, which gave rise to the interest in the Art of Drawing Spirits into Crystals;
  • A roughly 50 page exploration of the Olympic spirits, which is likely the most thorough analysis of their history in occult literature; and
  • A new magician’s reflections on his first conjuration.

The volume also explores:

  • Gender in magic;
  • Inclusion in O.T.O.; and
  • Abusive vs welcoming spiritual environments for women.

More items of particular interest to Thelemites include:

  • A massive cookbook inspired by Crowley diaries; and
  • Reflections by two new visitors on their experiences of O.T.O.

Additionally the reader can find poetry, art, explorations of Hekate, Lacumi, Santa Muerte, and more. The roughly 240 page book is a must have for those looking for a variety of interesting magic reading material, and is available on Amazon for $14.75.

Looking to contribute to the next issue of Heaven and Hell? The next volume will focus on Witchcraft and the intersection of Thelema and Witchcraft, but other contributions are welcome and encouraged. Materials should be submitted in rich text format, and will be accepted through June 30, 2019. Please email deputy@williamblakeoto.org for details, or to contribute submissions.


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