Unusual Blue Room Uncovered in Pompei

Because occultists tend to have an antiquarian streak in ’em I thought y’all’d be interested to learn that archaeologists working in the ancient Roman city of Pompei have uncovered an unusually intact room with a number of striking features:

“Recent excavations in Pompeii have uncovered a remarkable room with walls painted in a vivid, sky-blue hue, a color seldom seen in Pompeian ruins.

“This room, discovered in the Insula 10 area of Regio IX, is thought to have served as a sacrarium, a space dedicated to pagan rituals and the preservation of sacred objects.

“The walls of this 8-square-meter room, known as Room 32, are adorned with frescoes in the Fourth Style, characterized by its intricate and narrative aesthetic. This style, prevalent from around 60 to 79 CE, is noted for its architectural elements and elaborate scenes that adorned the walls of Roman houses.”

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