On Friday February 15, 2019 Krewe What Thou Wilt, a project of Alombrados Oasis, rolled for its fifth Mardi Gras season, the theme being “Sex And Rockets,” a reference to renowned rocket scientist and Thelemite Marvel “Jack” Parsons. This year marks the first time KWTW marched as a subkrewe of with Krewe Boheme.
Here’s some footage of them parading through the French Quarter.
This year’s theme was JACK PARSONS: ROCKETEER * ROMANTIC * RITUALIST and the Krewe exclaimed:
“We greet you today in the spirit of Jack Parsons, rocket engineer and magician, who left a brief and tumultuous comet-streak of a life against the sky of this shadowy Earth from 1914-1952. From the start of things young Jack was shooting rockets moonward in his backyard and summoning devils in his bedroom: he was never one to accept the limitations of gravity or conventional metaphysics (so-called human limitations, in other words). He went on to found the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, to never graduate from school, to be initiated into mysteries, to howl madly in the desert, to sing for the Witch-Woman, to debauch and deprave, to work Babalon, to speak out against all authoritarianism, and to die in an explosion. All those who live in the grandest spirit of themselves, hail!”
please visit www.krewewhatthouwilt.com.