ThelemaCon 2024 to be Held October 4-6

ThelemaCon 2024 will be held October 4-6, 2024, in Durham, North Carolina. The event website says:

ThelemaCon is a privately organized event, and is not formally connected with any specific Thelemic organization.  Accordingly, the conference is open to the public, regardless of any organizational affiliation (or lack thereof.) Our first conference took place in the fall of 2019, and was met with a very enthusiastic response. This was followed by an online-only conference in 2020, and a hybrid conference in 2022.

Our focus is on Thelemic principles, lived daily. As such, our workshops and lectures are focused on applied subjects near and dear to a practicing magician’s heart – personal practice, breathing, meditation, temple skills. Further, this meeting presents an opportunity for fellowship with others following this path. Our aim is always to present an inspirational, friendly and useful curriculum.

Have a full look at the Schedule of Presentations for ThelemaCon 2024 here:

the registration page is here:

Don’t forget, this is a hybrid conference with an online attendance option, so you can join us from wherever you are in the world. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Love is the law, love under will.

ThelemaCon Organizers

Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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