The Feast of Saint Molinos

Miguel de Molinos

Tomorrow, December 29, is the Feast of Miguel de Molinos. The Invisible Basilica of Sabazius tells us that Molinos was a “Spanish priest and mystic, the chief exponent of Quietism. He studied theology at Valencia, moving to Rome after his ordination.” The Catholic Encyclopedia says that Molinos was born in Muniesa, Spain, on December 21, 1640 and died in Rome on December 29, 1696.

According to the Invisible Basilica: “Molinos wrote The Spiritual Guide (1675), which is included in the Liber E and A:. A:. Section 1 reading lists, and is required reading for entry to the probationer level of A:. A:. Crowley describes it as a ‘simple manual of Christian Mysticism.’ It caused an immediate sensation on its publication, and was popular among Protestants as well as Roman Catholics. In 1685 e.v., at the height of his popularity, Molinos was arrested by the papal police, tried, and eventually sentenced to life imprisonment for heresy.” He did indeed die in prison.

In honor of the Spanish origins of Miguel de Molinos, here’s a menu for a delicious Spanish vegetarian feast.

Learn more about Miguel de Molinos:


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