The Family’s Statement Regarding the Passing of J. Daniel Gunther

Here is the official announcement from the family of J. Daniel Gunther regarding his passing:

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

J. Daniel Gunther passed away on Friday, August 23, 2024 e.v.

Although he is now gone, the fruit of his many decades of labor in the Great Work live on — his unique insight and research have been immortalized in his many influential books.

He will be remembered as a friend who was as charismatic and witty as he was knowledgeable and serious. The briefest conversations would have one laughing along with him, while also rethinking subjects one thought one already knew well.

He will also be remembered as a Teacher, selflessly devoted to the progress of his students. Indeed, his students were perhaps more privileged than they could realize. Questions sent by email were always answered within hours, with long and detailed explanations. Whether it was the Great Work or American history, Egyptian philology or progressive rock, he was always eager to talk and teach. He was never complacent, and never rested on his laurels. No sooner was a book published than he was halfway through writing another one. Until the very end he spent his days researching and writing.

Those who spent time with him will remember long nights, sitting at his feet as he regaled us with stories. The hour was late, his hair was tussled, and his shirt buttons undone — yet his eyes always shone with a bright and mysterious light.

He is survived by his three sons, of whom he was so proud, and by his wife, Gwen — the apple of his eye.
He has shed his body. His Soul is free.

Love is the law, love under will.

Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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