An email went out from professional sorcerer and occult educator Jason Miller:
Today is the feast day of Cyprian of Carthage, marking the beginning of what has come to be known as the “Days of the Cyprians” – the period between the feast of Saint Cyprian of Carthage and Saint Cyprian of Antioch. Tomorrow people all over the world will begin the 9 days of a novena to Cyprian of Antioch, which will end on the Feast of our Sorcerer Saint.
There are many prayers to Saint Cyprian of Antioch and I am very honored that my own prayer: “The Sorcerer’s Call to Saint Cyprian” which was written 10 years ago, has now become a favorite prayer for many.
This morning I woke with a strong desire to invite anyone who reads this post to join The Confraternity of the Sorcerer Saint.
The Confraternity of the Sorcerer Saint is an international association of devotees established “to invoke and honor Saint Cyprian of Antioch and to secure his patronage by the recitation of his call for the mutual spiritual and material benefit of all the members throughout the world.”
Each member of the Confraternity strives to recite the Sorcerers Call to Saint Cyprian at least once every Saturday, and following the call, to spend and equal amount of time in silent contemplation.
As a requirement of membership, each member of the Confraternity strives to pray the Sorcerer’s Call to Saint Cyprian on Saturday each week and to include the other members of the Confraternity in their intentions. This is to be followed by a period of silent contemplation. This is the sole obligation of membership in the Confraternity.
- The call should ideally be recited in front of an image of Saint Cyprian, but can be done anywhere.
- The intentions of the other members are to be included in one’s prayers. This can be done by making a “general intention” to always include their intentions and this does not need to be explicitly repeated every time one prays the Call.
- The period of silent contemplation and reception should last at least as long as it takes to prayer the Call, but can be longer.
- There is no penalty for failing in this obligation. Those who neglect to pray the call three Saturdays in a row should consider themselves inactive or former members.
- The intercession and special protection of Saint Cyprian of Antioch, as well as other Saints and Spirits aligned with him.
- A share in the prayers and the good works of the call’s prayed by Confraternity members throughout worlds both material and spiritual.
- Support for your disciplined spiritual and magical growth.
To join the Confraternity of the Sorcerer Saint, simply join the mailing list through the link below and begin Praying the Call and Silent Contemplation each Saturday.
There is no financial cost to join the Confraternity.
The email list will be used to update members on activities of interest, and invite you to participate in additional optional prayers and rituals. The list may be used to make members aware of products and services that relate to St Cyprian, but will not be used as a list for general marketing.
Due to the nature of the spiritual benefits of membership, you should sign up individually, even if you are joining as a couple or family.
The Sorcerer’s Call to St Cyprian of Antioch
In the name of the great and mighty power of God I invoke the sublime influence of St. Cyprian, in Christ Jesus. I ask that you be my mentor and my master by virtue of the grace bestowed upon you by God omnipotent who was, who is, and who will ever be.
You learned to control storms on Mt Olympus, the casting of enchantment and illusion in Argos, the mysteries of the witches craft at Taurapolis, necromancy among the graves of Sparta, and incantations in Memphis. Finally in Antioch, drawn by power, you found grace of Christ.
Oh Holy Cyprian, you who equally partakes of the Mass and the Sabbat, bless my efforts to follow you in your path. You who commingled with angels, devils, and earthly spirits, grant the power to command the spirits as you did, and as Solomon and Manasses did before you.
I thank you Lord for the many gifts of nature and grace with which you enriched the spiritual treasure house of your most faithful servant St. Cyprian. I thank you, my protector, for the special favors I have received by your powerful intercession.
Oh Cyprian Holy Thaumaturge : Saint and Sorcerer, Martyr and Magus, bless me. Take my prayers and spells and make them your own. When the Lord hears them he will not ignore them, they will cease to be my words, but yours.