Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The Electoral College took the following actions in (or near) Minneapolis on August 11th:
1. Serpent Flame Camp was chartered in the valley of Hartford, MI.
2. Passed the Mastership of Pyramid Lodge from Br. August L.. to Brother Serge.
3. Passed the Mastership of Thelesis Oasis from Br. David L. to Br. Aaron J.
4. Rechartered Aum Ha Lodge as Chalice of Heaven Lodge under Sr. Vivian M.
5. Rechartered Serpent & Lion Camp as Serpent & Lion Oasis under Br. Jason Norris.
6. Rechartered Heru Behutet Oasis as Behutet Camp under Sr. Isha M.
Love is the law, love under will.
In the Bonds of the Order,
U.S.G.L. Electoral College
See the original post: