Crowley Fan,Sir Christopher Lee, Celebrates His Greater Feast

Sir Christopher Lee celebrated his Great Feast this past Sunday, June 7. He had a LONG and distinguished career in cinema, acting in a prodigious number of films. Though he tackled a fairly diverse variety of roles he is best known for his work in horror films including the cult classic “The Wicker Man.” What’s not common knowledge is that he did have a significant interest in the occult as he admitted in this lengthy 2011 interview with The Guardian:

“The trouble is, combined with the sheer quantity of horror films that Lee made, there is also the inconvenient fact that he is obsessed with the occult in real life. He has a library of 12,000 books on the subject.

“‘Yes, it’s true,’ he says, ‘ever since I read Aleister Crowley. It was my friend Dennis Wheatley who got me interested in the occult.’ Wheatley also wrote the novel upon which one of Christopher Lee’s best films was based, The Devil Rides Out.”

read the entire interview here:

'The Wicker Man' film - 1973

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