Scarlet Tent Tour Reaches New Orleans in March

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
All of the information below along with registration links can be found at: U.S.G.L. Kaaba Colloquium Committee would like to invite all female-identifying and non-binary initiates, to join us in celebrating the power of gender minority leadership in The Scarlet Tent, a limited tour of regional retreats that brings these members of O.T.O. together to learn, share, celebrate and find the joy in communion with each other.

We come together in a safe and supportive space to share in an intimate weekend designed to discuss issues facing us in our Work with topics offered by invited regional leaders and facilitated by sisters of the local body and the Kaaba Committee.

You must be an active member of O.T.O. to attend.

Registration is $40.00 per person and all monies support the local body in providing meals for the weekend.

The Scarlet Tent will continue to tour through the following local bodies on the following dates. Please go to the website to register. You are ENCOURAGED to attend as many of the Tent events as you are passionate to attend! Each Tent is unique based on those attending. Come to all and bring your voice into the group!

Alombrados Oasis, New Orleans LA – March 7-8, 2020

Knights Templar Oasis, Salem, MA – Sept 11-13, 2020

Blazing Star Oasis, Oakland CA – Mar 5-7, 2021

Crux Ansata Oasis, Denver CO – Sept 17-19, 2021

Black Sun Lodge, Cleveland OH – March 4-6, 2022 – The Revival Tour – Open to all new and previous attendees!

Events for the weekend will include workshops held by regional Sisters on topics that are predetermined by the local Sisters as topics in need for leadership as women in O.T.O.

Each event’s schedule will be as follows:

Friday Evening: Opening reception open to all members locally
Saturday Day: Workshops and open discussions, breakfast and lunch included.
Saturday Evening: Reception for attendees only
Sunday Day: Workshops and open discussions, breakfast and lunch included.
Sunday Evening: Reception for attendees only (for most locations)

Please send questions regarding registration or the events to:

Love is the law, love under will.

Sirens of The Scarlet Tent


Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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