Sabazius X*, Grandmaster of O.T.O.’s U.S. Grand Lodge posted:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The word promulgation can mean:
- the act of making a law or decree known, or formally putting it into effect, by public declaration
- the act of publicly teaching or setting forth an idea, doctrine, etc.
- the process of spreading beliefs or ideas among a lot of people
So, the phrase “promulgation of the Law of Thelema” means, essentially, putting the Law of Thelema into practical effect by publicly declaring it, making it known, spreading knowledge of it, and teaching it. I would add, especially for those of us who share bonds of fraternity in O.T.O., that this includes supporting aspects of society that are in alignment with the Law of Thelema, and opposing aspects of society that are in clear conflict with it. The simplest test of whether an aspect of society is in alignment or conflict with the Law of Thelema is how it aligns with the human rights set forth in Liber Oz.
Promulgation of the Law of Thelema is not the same thing as membership recruiting; although there is some overlap. In promulgating the Law, we may find new comrades and allies. And in welcoming new Minervals, we increase our ability to effectively promulgate the Law.
Love is the law, love under will.