Obituary for Robert Carrington Stein PhD

Robert Carrington Stein PhD
16 November 1931 e.v. – 1 October 2024 e.v.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Robert Stein, more colloquially known as Bob, has left this world.

Bob began his journey with O.T.O. in June of 1983 e.v. when he received a Minerval Initiation in New York City. This was followed by further Man of Earth degrees during the next two years. During this period, he was able to connect with a number of members throughout the country and the world.

In 1985 e.v., he established Pyramid Encampment in Buffalo, New York. He took III° in 1986 e.v., and soon became a Man of Earth initiator. Bob initiated local people in 1986 e.v. and activities were established. Once Bob was initiated to V°, Pyramid became a Lodge. Bob then was selected to serve on the Electoral College. In 1988 e.v., he became the President of the College. VI°, VII° followed soon after and, eventually, Bob received the Dignity of the IX° from Frater Hymenaeus Beta in April 2006 e.v. In June of that year, he was appointed as IX° Revolutionary and he served the full 11-year term.

Bob engaged in a good deal of writing during the past 40 years. His major focus was on a Qabalistic analysis of Liber AL vel Legis and he stressed that Liber AL should always be published with a copy of the manuscript as it is only by consulting the manuscript that it can be properly examined. His writing also included analysis of Liber Trigrammaton and Liber Arcanorum and their importance as Holy Books.

Bob was a very accomplished person during has whole life. He is one of the few people ever to have travelled to all 7 continents, including Antarctica (Why Not?) He served as a professor of Biology at the State University of New York for over 30 years before retiring in 1997 e.v.

Bob was married for over 60 years. His wife Alice passed in 2017 e.v. The couple had a wonderful daughter, Marion (Misty) who carried on the academic tradition in the Stein family. She was with Bob 24/7 during the final stage of his life, and ensured that he remained at home until the end.

Upon hearing of Bob’s passing, Frater Hymenaeus Beta said, “he did it his way”!

Love is the law, love under will.


Frater Lux Ad Mundi

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